I know better than to respond to comments here but honestly, I never wrote that he healed the world. At all. In fact, you are referencing what I claim is the most important question any human can ask themself.
The entire essay is a relentless criticism of the man's toxic political tactics and a mediation on forgiveness. It is easy to forgive people who have no wronged you. But I clearly, repeatedly called him out for who he was: a racist whose legacy was misery.
It is mind-numbing to have someone claim to have read your essay and then willfully misrepresent it so they can respond indignantly. I guess that's the internet, huh? The reading isn't the fun; it's raging in the comments during your lunch break. That's a good time.
And the whole question of whether one should love one's enemy goes back centuries, so if that offends you, take it up with Western Civilization.