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There Is No Debate

But there is yelling, yelling, and finger-pointing

5 min readJun 21, 2023


There is no such thing as a debate, not now, not in this society. Debates are solemn and furious. They are meant to be conducted by serious people, but you and me? All of us, the internet? We are a pulsating mass of metastasizing goofballs. Trivial and petty.

Everything is a game to us, so some people clench their fists and insist that up is down when they know full well that up is up and down is down. They lie because, in America, power is downstream from bullshit.

The prize is money and muscle and the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want, to float above the law and blow raspberries at all the suckers below.

Everything is a cute, profoundly frivolous, and ruthless game played by mean-spirited nincompoops who think winning at any cost is a sign of intelligence and courage.

Fact: Machiavelli was a weasel, and his advice was only helpful to the weak and cowardly. Princes have always been soft. They have to cheat because they can’t compete.

I was on Twitter, for some godforsaken reason, and read that a well-known podcast host recently harassed a doctor for being a doctor and demanded the doctor debate him. The podcast…



My memoir 'Theatre Kids: A True Tale of Off-Off Broadway' is now available.